Originally Posted by OlTimer
Originally Posted by Ben2
Yall aint called out and threaten to whip Will Primos, Bill Jordan, Jackie Bushman or Michael Waddell. These 4 have been posting hunting videos for decades and the turkeys are still alive. I dont think (Cove can correct me if I am wrong) Pinhotti has reached near the people those guys have reached.

They ALL hunt private/leased property. Apples and oranges there fellow. This thread is about public property being hammered.

It is PUBLIC property after all. Bunch of damn whiners, I'm so glad I don't give a dern about turkey...and that I have my own private property. So funny that public land hunters think they should be the only ones allowed to keep hunting that public land, nobody new should be able to come in there. Go get some damn private/leased property and you won't have to deal with it....fellow.