You know it may seem really far fetched to talk about changing the way we raise cows to impact wildlife but in reality we really aren’t that far off with our “on the ground” resources. The chess pieces are on the board already…’s just the manner in which they're being used.……all that is really needed is a tweak in the stocking density we’re running…….Hypothetically speaking if Alabama were a monarchy and being run by a King then you could simply make a decree that all cattle stocking rates be cut down to 1/3 of their current levels and bada boom bada bing you’d probably see a big change just from that alone.

Here's what I mean.....If we were to take a big piece of property like the Sedgefield Plantation that just sold……The simplest way of managing to produce this natural effect I've been talking about would be to wrap the perimeter of the 6,000 acres in a low fence and then introduce a cattle herd that roamed the entire paddock at their free will along with the use of periodic fire…….The most important question would be how big to make the herd so that they leave the desired footprint without over doing it…….The way we are raising cattle now in most situations is simply “over doing it” from this perspective……

Again, if we were King would could just make everyone adhere to the this same rate and not let them run cattle at any higher rate than what we deemed was ideal…….We cant do that though but the concepts would still work the same if someone were creative enough to make it happen through different avenues. I think it mostly involves economics and psychology…..It’s also why I mentioned in another thread about making soil OM have a $$$ value associated with it.……..Probably just pipe dreaming but at least its dreaming BIG!! ..... laugh

Last edited by CNC; 08/14/21 11:39 AM.

We dont rent pigs