I dont watch many of these public land hunting videos except some that were posted here and were about folks coming to hunt Alabama. Im not sure which one it was but it showed 2 guys chasing turkeys and get on a bird another hunter had gobbling.

Sure enough the other Alabama public land hunter had the birds gobbling and coming, there were 2 or 3 gobblers together.

These guys then used the terrain and set up BETWEEN the hunter and the birds and shot a gobbler without making hardly one call if any. They even mentioned that the birds were coming to that other guys calls and then rushed to set up on them between the hunter and gobblers. I was disgusted to be honest. I think that was the last one I watched.

It could have been the other youtube guys that some of yall post here, with the long haired guy, but to me if portrayed everything WRONG about public land hunting.

I know they were happy about their "Alabama Bird" But some local guy who scouted and located them, who did his homework with a limited resource and then got them gobbling and working sure must not have been happy hearing them sneak in on his hunt and shoot the birds he was working.