Originally Posted by Here4fun
I like the bugs for turkey. I never thought of that.

Think of it much in the same respect as feeding the food chain in a pond……The little tee tiny stuff feeds the small stuff and the small stuff feeds the bigger stuff and that feeds the really big stuff and so on and so forth……A food chain …..When you’re talking about “feeding” the soil food chain and these bug and insect populations then it starts with feeding carbon to the bacteria and fungi……It snowballs from there to the nematodes, arthropods, protozoa, etc and on down the line to the things that turkeys and quail eat……..Carbon is the main fuel for making the whole cycle function though …..From a management perspective you shouldn’t really focus on “producing snails for turkeys”……….No, you’re focusing on driving the big picture process from a base level…….which is producing, growing, storing, recycling humus from carbon based plant sources ……As the “manager” your focus should be to drive the vegetation recycling process that produces rich, vibrantly alive soil for this food chain to thrive in……..Hence, the reason I randomly show pictures of the diversity that is being produced from the process……People may look and say……”What the heck have dragonflies and butterflies and snails and snapping turtles and hog nosed snakes, etc have to do with turkey or quail management??”……It’s because they’re signs that the bigger cycle is flourishing.

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