I have decided this is the last year I am going to mess with peas and beans in the spring. I am going to plant clover/fusion plots, and maybe add some alfalfa, and then spring planting turns into spring cutting, fertilizing and spraying. I am not disking twice a year and letting top soil blow away in the wind, or wash away in the rain. Then in the fall I can come in and broadcast whatever I want into the clover, and cut it. Boom done.

The clover is always there to feed them. Already did the lime. And I should get to where I don't have to add fertilizer. That should reduce the need to add lime again for a while. And I can easily maintain it with pellet lime too.

It is a waste of my time and $ to come in and spend $$600 a spring to plant peas only to have them wiped out in 2 weeks.