Something I believe would REALLY help these soil building processes cycle and build more rapidly would be if someone had the ability to add chicken litter to their fields…..I know there is some debate on its use and turkeys….It can be slow and tough though to build “fertility” in low fertility sands without some help and chicken litter would bring in nutrients and tons of decomposing OM full of highly active microbial life all in one application…… I think you could turn around fields and make them highly productive in a short time period if you had easy access to litter and spreaders. This is also where the idea of moving cattle through an area to help improve the soil comes from……It’s another form of bringing in manure and applying it to help the natural processes along. That’s kinda where I’m at right now with things when I look at what is happening with the soil in my field……It’s like making a pot of soup and giving it a taste test……It’s pretty good but it’s still needing juuuuust a little something else to make it really good. I think manure would be that ingredient. It would assist in both growth and decomposition

Last edited by CNC; 07/24/21 09:41 AM.

We dont rent pigs