Originally Posted by BCLC
Originally Posted by Lockjaw
We lease it.

Is your name actually on the lease or is it a hunting club with the President’s name on the lease? This matters if you’re calling the Sheriff or Game Warden. Mark the lines, hang cams, handle accordingly. Good luck.

Be careful rocking the boat too much as far as bitching and moaning to the timber company. They don’t make much money on hunting leases, they make their money selling timber and property. If a lease becomes a problem child for them they’ll cut it loose. Oftentimes to the people that are causing the problem in the first place. It’s happened before and will happen again.

Yep. Dude has you by the balls because he owns his property, you are an expendable peon (in the eyes of the law and him) that only has a yearly lease fee at stake. No one is going to care that you've been (or your president has been) a 20 year leasor, just being honest.

I wouldn't do much else except for hunt it like normal, stay way away from this guy, put some cell cams up on the roads, and move on. If you are shooting directly at his possessions and property line you probably need to change that ASAP.

This is coming from someone who's also had a house built right next to a long-standing greenfield. I still hunt it, but it completely changed the game for me and I just had to adjust. Y'all might even consider just moving the shooting house and letting the field grow up if you are truly interested in keeping the lease and not just going to war with your neighbor who's decided he's going to be an ass.