Originally Posted by odocoileus
I've got a Little Crow in .223 I've had for a few years. It's great for doing one thing: large amounts of .223/5.56. I've only used the RCBS Trim pro. It works well for doing small batches, 20-50 at a time. Anything more than that and I'd want a power unit. They make a "conversion" of sort. Essentially an allen head screw with a rounded head allen wrench that fits in the drill. Reviews are OK, but most say it wears out and strips the head after a few thousand pieces. I am looking at making one with a short piece of rubber hose as a drive coupler to a drill. The standalone power attachment is too rich for my blood.

Forster also makes a 3 way trimmer attachment for their case trimmer which is caliber specific. Trim chamfer and deburr at the same time. I have bought one for trimming 223 brass but have not used it yet. I prefer to use a VLD chamfer on most of my cases.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe