Originally Posted by btfl
Originally Posted by hallb
Have you pinged any of your neighboring property owners? I know if I owned property bordering that knowing it was landlocked with an easement, it would be a no brainer to buy it and add it on. Actually had someone do that with us in Pike County and we were very grateful they did rather than sell it to some stranger.

There's a bordering track that was just for sale that was around 2000 acres. I don't think they're interested. The land to the east and west of me is multi generation family owned. I considered trying to buy some of it but just didnt want to try to track them down. As far as I know, the other land owners are landlocked without an easement except 1. To be honest in not sure that any of them care or ever come out there.

If you are interested in buying the adjoining tract I can probably put you in touch with the neighbor to the east. Nice tract of mature timber. I looked at it for the owner a few years ago and can touch base with them unless it has recently changed hands.