So now here is the end result of the watershed management discussion……Something that I should have added earlier is that the water flow in the other watershed finger that is still in poor condition is coming off of a good sized cow pasture "upstream" that is overgrazed and constantly full of cow patties….Along with the massive amounts of silt flowing through the watershed is likely high loads of N washing out of the pasture……..

As a result of the years of erosion and silting in...this is what is now left of what used to be a massive beaver pond when I first moved here. There was actually two different ponds. An upper one you see here and a lower one down to the right…..It had a beaver hut as big as my living room dang near it. I used to sit in the evenings and see skads of wood ducks flying over going to this hole……Saw a snapping turtle one time that lived in it that had feet the size of my fists……That’s all gone now and no one will understand why when they ask “Where did all the wood ducks go??”……”Why don’t we have this or that??”……..”I sure like the way that eroded dirt smells in the morning though!!!!”……

Shew buddy…….

[Linked Image]

Last edited by CNC; 06/05/21 10:58 AM.

We dont rent pigs