Tags don't have to cost a penny. They can be made out of anything and include whatever required info is requested on them before being attached to the deer.

Ohio DNR does this and it works fine without requiring yet another fee from the government.

But thinking "It's just a few more bucks, you should pay it" is how we continue to go down the path of more mandates.

Perhaps we should have commercial hunting lodge licenses paid to the DCNR. These lodges have to have business licenses, but NONE of that money goes to the DCNR, yet these lodges are in business of hunting the animals that belong to everyone, i.e. "the state." So maybe we need a hunting lodge privilege license of several hundred a year, or a tiered system based on land and number of hunters.

Another great idea would be a Guide/Outfitter Privilege License fee, paid annually. Anyone engaged in the act of guiding, outfitting, helping or assisting said guides and outfitters, at hunting or fishing lodges, would be required to pay their fair share.

Fishing guides are using public waters as a commercial business, freshwater and saltwater. Definitely should make sure they're paying their fair share.

Lot of possibilities for more of these "privilege" fees and licenses.

And anyone who doesn't think the "privilege license" for bait will increase from $15 to something more in just a few years, you're delusional. Someone will come up with how it's "such an impact, with all this corn and bait out there!" and will propose to jack it to $25 or $30 in the name of "conservation." And none of y'all buying it will blink an eye.

Alabama's legislators say they're conservative but they're just like the liberals in D.C.: Impose new fees and mandates, wait a few years, increase it, ask for more, hook you into the "pay your fair share" routine, shame others who don't agree, continually want more, reinforce the socialist "for the good of society!" mantra, and take more and more.

Last edited by Clem; 05/07/21 10:56 AM.

"Hunting Politics are stupid!" - Farm Hunter

"Bible says you shouldn't put sugar in your cornbread." Dustin, 2013

"Best I can figure 97.365% of the general public is a paint chip eating, mouth breathing, certified dumbass." BCLC, 2020