Originally Posted by sasquatch1
Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher

If it is at 14,000 now, then it's gonna end up very close to the 16,000 that were reported last season during the covid shutdown.

I don't think that they are getting more than about 30% of the actual kill reported on GC, and I don't see it improving. GC has made it a certainty that we will never again have a reliable harvest estimate.

If you think participation and reports are that low how many birds you think are getting killed?? I def agree reporting sucks but idk if it’s that low. I really don’t think we’ve been killing as many birds As always be presumed to be.

I think Missouri gets real good reporting. And if they killing 40k idk if Alabama is really getting near that many. But I could be clueless

And how does GC guarantee we never will have a reliable count? Which way would be better? I have my thoughts but curious to yours

Fixed tag on animal before moving. Print your next one off after checking that one in. I’m not saying that’s how I would want to do it but it would have to be more accurate.

"The Heavens declare the glory of God;and the firmament sheweth his handiwork" Pslam 19:1