I like what BGD said

Also - maybe since it is a pass through - it more of a 10 am spot - not as fun as first light but May be best chance

One of my areas are only 80 - want more but that what I got

Next season - u hav a few options - plant some chufla in pasture if u are allowed this June r early July or put out about 100 pounds of cracked corn next February and see if they find it - if they do and it gone quick - put 2 more bags out bout 22 days before season - should be gone 10 days before season if they hit the February bags quick - that may hold them on your place more
they like to strut on open areas like the pasture u mention
Start listening from the gate before next season - or in a spot they can’t see u and see if u can figure out where they at and where they like to go - don’t bump them r spook them - season starts - get where they want to b and if it in open pasture - hav a decoy - avian x and Dave smith make great looking hen and Jake

Hunt the wind - leave it better than you found it - love your neighbor as you love your self
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