Originally Posted by Gobble4me757
Originally Posted by Fishduck
Set up in the dark this morning on a field edge. Put a 3/4 strut jake and hen decoy out because field birds don't play fair. 5:45 heard the first gobble and thought it was about 100. He pitched into the woods about 6:15 and headed away. I hit a flydown cackle with no response. 5 minutes later he gobbled further away. I went around the corner and let out a few faint clucks and one yelping series. Moved back to my spot to wait.

About that time a bird across the field in a hollow started gobbling. He was on fire and probably gobbled at least 100 times. From that point forward I only answered the gobbler across the field. The close bird gobbled when I answered the other bird. Multiple times cut me off and double and triple gobbled. At this point, I went quiet.

Time went on with both birds gobbling. The far bird a lot more. Finally see the closer gobbler. He gets to 70 eyeing the decoys and turns around. A light yelp elicits 3 gobbles. He stands his ground and eventually fades back regardless of calling/lack of calling.

Got to go to work. So I try to sneak around the bend and get to 40. The hens of the far gobbler bust me and with the putts my hunt ends.

I feel like a 16 year old that got stood up at the prom!!!

Throw them dekes away

This morning they were a bad idea!!! Would have burned them if I had a match.