Originally Posted by weatherby

but if missing a week now insures that I get a 4-5 week season in the future, and my kids will get to chase turkeys 10-20 years from now, then I'm willing to do my part.

So the question becomes will it? Is there data to support that shortening the season and lowering the limit will ensure your kids get to hunt?
How about this : if we ban cars, we can ensure no one will get hit by a car again. Willing to do your part?
If we ban deer hunting we can ensure your kids will get to see deer 10-20 years from now. Want to do your part?
I have the same data to make those arguments as the department does for shorter seasons and lower limits

I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine