one of these is heading my direction as i type ... if any of you have dug into home coffee roasting, you know that most machines are very pricey ... altho i'm very happy/pleased w/the results i'm getting out of my FrankenRoaster (modified bread machine w/a heat gun from Lowe's), i like this concept A LOT b/c it requires no electricity (can you say fresh roasted coffee on a campout?) ... max batch size is 6 oz's, so i'll have to do a couple of roasts to equal what i'm doing now, but i'm very anxious to give this a shot ... will post up some results later on this week ... BTW, i got the basic, entry-level model for $70

most budget roasters use popcorn poppers - and i have one & have used it - but it's tough to control the heat on it, and most times i find i over-roast ... nothing feels "under control" w/a popper to me

Last edited by BamaGuitarDude; 04/03/21 12:14 PM.

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A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.