
So here is my question in relation to your post above. I do not dispute the science or the fact that CWD is a killer. Tell me why if I as a land owner shoot a deer in the state of Tennessee and break that animal down and to the point of being able to transport it across into Alabama does this prevent the unwanted spread of the disease. It does not. All i have done is leave the tissue exposed on the property where i left the guts, bones and brain mater for that population to be exposed. If i am near the state line the effort taken to dispose of the tissue has done little to stop the spread of the disease if it existed in the harvested animal. i would assume it actually caused more exposure than if it were walking on the hoof.

So to my question. Why would it not make a larger stab at isolating the spread of CWD if there were designated dump sites that were not accessible to native deer herds. Dump sights that processors or sportsmen could utilize that the state could maintain control of the situation better than leaving it to chance. Just thoughts.