Well. From my perspective some of you guys would bitch if you were given $100,000,000.00 because you might have to pay some tax!

Last time I looked, our season is about half the year, you can hunt with just about any weapon ever made, our license is dirt cheap, and we have deer in areas that 40 years ago had none! So we must be doing something right. Furthermore, I see giant deer killed in this state every year.

You cheap ass’s want to talk about money?! I was paying $25 per acre for a lease I had in Pike county Illinois for 7 years!! No rifle hunting there either! I was grateful to have it too! It was awesome!

How about Iowa? Any of you try to hunt there lately?

Look, bottom line is we live in a free country, with a free economy. Lots of people can afford to lease big chunks because there are a lot of people with a lot of money! The days of having great land and not paying top dollar for the lease are pretty much over. If you don’t own the land then you really have no say so in what happens. Therefore, if you have a tract you like, you damn sure need to make sure you communicate with the land owner and be ready to open that tight ass wallet when the time comes. If you don’t then you will just be another person on this forum crying because they were to cheap to pony up and now some “doctor or lawyer” has your land. Well that’s just the way it goes. Tough schit!

Alabama will get more and more expensive to hunt in. That’s because we have good hunting. Hunting is not a cheap hobby. Not by any standard!

Hunting brings out the worst in people.