Originally Posted by bill
Originally Posted by leroycnbucks
Some women have bigger balls than some of y’all.

This forum has been full of a bunch of scaredshitless whining soft men the past year.

I wouldn't say full. There are about 4 or 5 that are part of a bitch brigade , cut from the same cloth as JBC/ Bama1971, that just don't fit in here. They are just woke posers hanging around to make snarky comments about all us backwoods southerners. They don't have real balls but they have plenty of the internet virtual kind.

It’s obvious who the 4 or 5 are that need a lot of attention. Probably proud graduates of the JBC/bama1971/gtaylor school of liberal wokeness.

Proud Army and ALNG veteran
God Bless America!