Originally Posted by Gobble4me757
They are hearing us. I had one guy email me back agreeing that nest predators are the main cause and I have another guy from that list wanting to call me and discuss my points. The more concern in emails and letters the better. Let’s fight this.

I emailed and got a “thank you for your comments” response. I’ve asked others to write or call also. One called and said he was told there were at least 4 no votes and that he’s gotten more correspondence over this issue than any since he’s been on the board and that he sees more turkeys now where he deer hunts than ever. He said what was needed now more than letters is for people to show up at the meeting and take up the entire 1 hour set aside for public comment. I know everyone can’t go to the meeting, so more letters and calls can’t hurt.

I nominate PCP and gobbler to be our in person representatives. Can I get a second?

Last edited by turkey_killer; 02/25/21 07:38 PM.