I think you need to think spiritually. We will have a glorified body. I would imagine that body will see, hear, feel, smell things a little different than this old body. No temptation, no jealousy, wont ever be mad or irritated again, no more tears. We will be 100% satisfied all the time. Every now and then i get a glimpse of it but even then i cant fully wrap my mind around it. I got pretty excited in church last sunday. I felt for a minute like heaven might be just over the next hill. Im sure looking forward to it. About knowing your loved ones when you get there, ill tell you what the Lord told me. I was worried i might be on one side of heaven and daddy might be on the other side and we might just not ever bump into each other there. I prayed real hard about it and the Lord said this "Have i ever withheld anything from you? I have given you all youve asked for and youre afraid i will keep this from you." That was the answer he gave me so i know ill get to see daddy again.