Ever person i ever met that didnt like ol man stands didnt know how to use them the right way..or they were to dang fat an shoulda stayed on the ground no matter what they used. I dont usem much anymore..cause they are heavy..all mine were old gen 1 with blades...never a manufactuered defect in mine...they did need work tho...they could be made into an amazingly quiet stand in the hands of the skilled..if modified. I never met many people that was ver good with climbing stands of any kind...most people suck cause they dont practice...and it shows. Newer ol mans suck...along with every other climbin stand. Everbody has an oppinion..an mine is most people suck at usin a climbin stand..its a comical chitshow. In the hands of somebody that knows what they are doin...there aint a better stand made(for non fat people) than a gen 1 straight arm ol man multivision..with certain modifications. If you aint got a top an bottom teather on any stand you use an slip straps...you need to stay at the house.

"I dont quit.. And ill fight alone if i have to"