Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher

Thanks gobbler.

That is how I thought it worked, but I thought that the professors got a certain % of the grant as a salary for his work on the project. That was the way it worked long ago in vocational education, but everything I know regarding academic research is long since obsolete.

Some schools will let professors buy out all/part of their teaching obligation; where I went to school, the professors could use grant money to pay their summer salaries since most were on 9-10 month contracts and didn't teach during the summers.

Unless said biologist (I have no idea who it is) has started their own company - and is getting paid through the company and the school, he is probably not going to get rich doing research.

The decoys/fans/aflatoxin are all interesting topics that should probably be explored.

Last edited by wmd; 02/15/21 03:19 PM.

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