Originally Posted by donia
Originally Posted by Fishduck
If I was looking in Mississippi, I would want to see 5 years worth of kill numbers. Would expect the numbers for the last 3 years to be bad. If the numbers were consistently good then I would be very suspect. Look for a club that had lowering duck numbers but increasing speck kills.

Finally, learn to blow a speck call well.

sage advice, along with the previously stated "above HWY 82". if not above 82, then as far south Delta as you can get.

standard farming practices, due to dryer fall/winter, has created the "rowed up mud hunter" syndrome through the mid-Delta (south of 82). I was explained to why north of 82 is better waterfowl hunting and it is due solely to the lack of major water structures installed north of 82, ie: south of 82 is more well drained. it was MUCH harder to cut through all of the junk north of 82, therefore less were installed due to more work having to be done to prep the site than in the south Delta (below 82).

Explain rowed up mud hunter. I went around tunica this year and we hunted fields that had been fallow and then just flooded. To me that didn’t make sense. I wouldve assumed they would have been the panted and had some crops left standing.