Forster does make a bushing bump die you describe. I've never used one but I use Forster FL sizing dies in every cartridge they offer for my guns. IMO, Forster makes the best FL die available. Unfortunately, they have a limited selection and I have several rifles for which they do not make dies. Usually have to go to Redding for these rifles.

When I full length size for my bolt action rifles, I do not bump the shoulder, but just keep it from moving forward during the sizing process. When a case is FL sized, it squeezes the base which moves the shoulder forward. For instance I may have a fired case that measures 2.000 to the shoulder, but if the die is not set up properly it may measure 2.002 to the shoulder after sizing. I set up the die to maintain the 2.000 dimension, not bump it back to 1.998.

For a semi auto it's good practice to bump the shoulder back about .002.

Last edited by AU338MAG; 01/29/21 05:53 PM.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe