Gather up four of your friends. Statistically, one of you will die from a heart-related problem. Let's make sure it's one of the others and test your heart health now.

The Test

Walk up 4 flights of stairs in under 45 seconds.

The Rules

1.) Start a timer and walk (don't run) up four flights of stairs. That's 60 steps.
2.) No stopping and resting.

How to Evaluate Your Results:
Anything under 45 seconds is good.
Around 60 seconds means you might have some work to do.
Anything over 90 seconds and, well, make a doctor's appointment.
Remember, this isn't a sprint to the top. Just walk and make sure you can sustain that pace.

Researchers at the European Society of Cardiology devised this as a quick test of overall heart health and to judge your likelihood of developing coronary artery disease. It was quite accurate when compared to stress tests and heart imaging studies.

Whoever is happy will make others happy too. Anne Frank