Rayford's best friend, in his 80s, died from Covid pneumonia a few days before he got sick on the 27th. One of his other close friends died a few days ago from the same thing. We didn't tell him because he wasn't doing well. The hard part is that one of our close immediate family members brought Covid into the house at Christmas and didn't realize it. 6 of us, including myself, got Covid within 3-7 days after Christmas. Rayford, his oldest daughter and her husband came down with it on the 27th. My family including myself got sick on the 31st. I was sick sick for 10 days and my energy is just now getting back to 75%.

I know there are a lot of mixed opinions about Covid...but anyone who thinks it isn't a really dangerous virus for the older and/or compromised is ignorant. The ICU where he is is completely full with just Covid pneumonia patients. 2 people died while we were in the ICU yesterday visiting him. The way Covid attacks the lungs is much worse than typical bronchitis type pneumonia...it does an extreme amount of damage to the lungs comparatively. That leads to all sorts of other critical issues.

Y'all stay safe and be careful around your older loved ones. Take common sense precautions.
Thank you all very much for the prayers. My family truly appreciate them.

"The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8

"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.� Samuel Adams