Originally Posted by hunterbuck
Originally Posted by AU338MAG

One of the fan boys asked for substance, so...

Your problem is that you're (and maybe a couple of others) constantly bringing an argument which obviously bothers the hell out of you from a long range shooting forum to an Alabama deer hunting forum.

Maybe I'm wrong, but i'd bet that 95%+ of the folks here (certainly including the OP of this thread) only care if it will kill Alabama whitetail deer efficiently at reasonable Alabama hunting distances. My point all along is that it will... and I've not argued anything other than that. If that makes me a creed fanboi, so be it, but I'll defend a .243 (or most any other cartridge) as an Alabama deer killer just the same. It just doesn't take that much firepower to kill a deer. I couldn't give a crap what it does ringing a piece of steel at some obscene distance. If I did, I'd be on a long range forum railing on and on about it.

What long range shooting forum? I'm not on any of those forums. I remember one dipschitt at the gun counter at Mark's a couple years ago who was giddy when talking about the incredible ballistic coefficients of 6.5 bullets compared to others. He was a clueless IDOT.

My ballistic comparison was for hunting distances, not 1000 yard competition.

Every time y'all asked me to provide information on this thread, I did. Then you don't like the information provided and switch gears.


Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe