Originally Posted by woodswalker
Originally Posted by AU338MAG

Yep. I'm guilty of being triggered buy dumbarses vomiting stupidity.

You and peckerwood enjoy your sweet creeds...

You've got nothing of substance to add to the discussion. So instead you lower yourself to personal attack. You seem to think it's fun stirring the pot but all you're doing is making yourself look ignorant.

At no point did I make an outrageous claim about the 6.5 Creedmoor in this thread nor on any other. I've taken game with the cartridge and can attest to its accuracy and effectiveness.

I don't need your permission nor approval. Who are you anyway? There's no proof anywhere I've seen in your posts that you even know your arse from a hole in the ground. All I've seen you do on this subject is to act like the village idiot.


Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe