Originally Posted by bill
All of you that think things are just gonna stay business as usual, do you think they went to all the trouble to steal the election and the Senate seats just to keep moving things along as usual? That they have gotten the media to start canceling anyone who doesn't toe the liberal line just so they can keep the status quo? That's not happening and you'll be in for a shock when you see the plans they LET you see in the coming months.

I'm not a tinfoil hat conspiracists but known communist and militant Islamist have been infiltrating our government and military for years and they aren't about to waste this opportunity. China owns Biden and they won't waste their chance either. Add all this to the year's of out of control spending, an economy propped up with paper that only buys things until the government decides it doesn't and the environmental wackos that have been waiting for their turn at bat and you have a hell of a start to turning us into a 3rd world version of the UK.

There won't be another Republican president or Republican controlled Congress again in any form or at any point. The Republic has been on life support for decades and the theft that occurred this last election cycle was the final blow.

I’m leaning in this direction

I’ve said it before. We have been beat and sadly we’re just now realizing it.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan