Originally Posted by GomerPyle

85% A with 15% B mixed in....

I thought about it and I honestly think that's the most logical thing that could happen.

If you remember when Bill Clinton was in office, there were lots of Militias formed, and lots of black helicopter talk, etc... but in reality, not all that much changed and the economy went moving right along.

Governments have it in their best interest to just keep all the sheep sort of moving slowly along in the general direction they want us to go. They don't want to upset the apple cart too much and risk having a full blown insurrection on their hands. This would help none of the World's major players.

Some sort of major upheaval in the United States would disrupt the economy of the entire World. I honestly don't think any of the major players of the world want any part of that. It is for this same reason that Trump was so universally disliked by the powers that be. He was a loose cannon from outside the normal centers of power and influence. It was never imagined that he would win an election, and once in, he scared the Hell out of everyone who has long sought to maintain the status quo. Therefore this time, his defeat was ensured. They weren't taking any chances.

Now they want nothing more than to get back to "normal." Normal being, the usual saber rattling and regional conflicts to keep the military industrial complex happy, throwing bones to various special interest groups to keep them quiet and inline, and for the rest of us, just slowly turning up the heat so we won't really notice the constant erosion of our civil liberties.

Last edited by Irishguy; 01/19/21 01:23 PM.