Originally Posted by NightHunter
Originally Posted by BhamFred
The CAB should be abolished. It was sold to us as a citizen committee, appointed by the Governor , to hold meetings across the state and report to the commissioner as to what they found out. No problem so far.

Then the law passed and lo and behold the CAB could go around the professionals at DCNR and do damn near anything they wanted to with the approval of the commissioner who is another appointed non professional. Personal politics at its worst.

Yes, it needs completely restructured but not abolished. There is a way for it to work as it was “sold”. There must be some board in place to advise other than just a top professional regardless who it is. It’s going to take a Governor that takes these matters seriously enough to correct the CAB.

I believe this can be done but it will take a huge push from ALL hunters during the next gubernatorial election cycle. I believe with the right people from the industry things could be as it was originally designed.

Gosh NightHunter, you sound just like me. smile

I have said for years that a new governor who was really interested in hunting was our only hope, but I don't see anyone like that out there. Maybe one will rise up. I certainly agree with your premise that citizens need input into the process.

Troy said:
>>> The problem there is that the CAB will side with Chuckie, already showed their bent with the north Al Feb deer season.<<<

You are probably right again, but I know for a fact that not every CAB member is in favor of this. This is a not very well educated guess, but I think there is about a third of the board that would agree with me, a third that will blindly follow the Grand Poobah, and a third that could go either way.

If you care about the Alabama system of turkey hunting, and want it to continue,then NOW is the time to contact your rep and make your voice heard. Or better yet, contact all of them. Write a respectful letter if you can; send an email at least. As someone posted above, draconian changes are probably inevitable, but we can fight them off as long as we can. Once they are made, they will never be rescinded, so right now is your only chance to have a say that will matter.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.