CNC, that greenfield really looks bad. Not sure if due to over grazing or what. I like the idea of letting a field sit for natural soil replenishment if the space is there. The area surrounding the greenfield provides great bedding just don't see any food value there. Not sure if you have other food sources, but if not the area would probably be put to better use planting year round crops or honeysuckle.Mow it all down, throw out some fertilizer, cover thick with honeysuckle seed before a rain in the spring and let it go. Honeysuckle is high in protein and would provide tons of food for you and bedding. I just don't think cattle is a viable resource to improve the soil unless it is like a pen. The cattle operations I see poop is here and there and don't concentrate in one area. That poop can contaminate a water source or even nearby lakes and streams due to high N content and cause green algae growth. Just not enough poop to help the soil and l cows stomping down potentially good browse. Now large cattle operations it seems animals could both thrive in a better manner, but small acreage I just don't see a viable benefit for deer, but beef taste even better than deer to me, so I would probably have some cows if I wanted beef.