Originally Posted by roadkill
It ain't fun. Drink a lot of water, take a zinc supplement, lots of vit D&C, keep moving. Don't sit around. Took about three weeks before I was close to being back to normal and another three before I got sense of taste back. And I'm a lot older than you are. Would definitely NOT recommend going out to the woods. Its early in the season. Still lots of time to hunt.

I'm on week Three and just now feeling a little better. I definitely got better after three days in the hospital with them pushing antibiotics through an IV. No idea what it was but I went from feeling like death to ready to get out of there and home in a hurry. Now all I want to do is sleep all the time. Since I'm isolated to a bedroom, that is fine. Maybe I'll just sleep until I'm all the way well.

Make sure you eat and drink enough and the need for copious amounts of toilet paper is not a myth. Have plenty on hand.

Last edited by jawbone; 12/03/20 10:20 PM.

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