Some may know the Jerry Clower story in the subject of my post. For those who don't its a good one. As I look at this election and everything going on I can't help but start to wonder where are we going to be when the dust settles? Will there be revolts, will trump refuse to leave, do all these conspiracy theories with the fake ballots pan out? If things continue to shake out the way its looking and nothing gets done we could see the most liberal president/vp pair in history with maybe the house and senate both ending up democratic. Its setting the stage for unprecedented change in this country. I think a lot of people don't know the freedoms the left want to take away, especially for the conservative Christian (home schooling, vaccine mandates,freedom of speech against sin, and many others). I was working night shift the night of the election and I remember around midnight or later most everyone at work thinking it was settled. At this point I feel like we're at the part in the story where the rats are on fire running towards the hay. This is one time that I just didn't know this is where we were gonna be when we got where we were going. Regardless, I'm thankful that I'm saved and my eternity settled and that The Lord will take care of me despite the outcome.