My opinion is they should do away with the NFA all together. No reason any of this stuff should be illegal in America.

But it is... and I don't think y'all understand. The ATF makes the rules not the laws. They do whatever they want to do including issuing "rules" a.k.a. letters that say things like this direct quote: "to the extent this ruling may be inconsistent with any prior letter rulings, they are hereby superseded".

Yea. That's right. Simple as that. Just on a Wednesday before lunch.

They will do what they want to do when they want to do it and your 2A "rights" when it comes to potential NFA items are based solely on their interpretation of the rules as they see fit at that exact moment. Not 5 minutes before and not 5 minutes after. If they decide Pistol Braces are are in violation of the NFA, tomorrow, you will either register or turn your brace in. All they have to do is declare any magazine over 10 rounds a destructive device and you will turn them in. They can declare an AR-15 a destructive device and you will turn yours in.

Nothing has changed there in my lifetime. This is how this has always been. Do not mistake the recent leniency at the ATF as anything other than Temporary. You aren't going to argue with them. You aren't going to get around it. Very Dangerous. If Biden gets elected they will go after this stuff and you will wave to me while we are standing in line turning our 1/2 the stuff we own.

You aren't going to be able to do anything about it.

If you are getting butthurt over bump stocks or Honey Badgers, etc. That's great. You should be angry..... but I will add you have no forking clue how bad this could get and how quickly.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.