People might not like it but if you are against kids coming thats just crazy to me. Guest ..... that’s always a iffy area I know some places are none after jan 1 and of course other options . Some people get so butt hurt over a deer being killed a guest the panties are in such a wad they can’t even function. Prime example , my dad and me were in a club for around 15 years. I took a guest with me during the week which was totally 1000% in the rules. My buddy liked a super
Nice 9 point and one of The members kids Was there which I stopped and picked up and took with us . After my buddy shot the deer the kid said “ oh heck that’s mr..... deer he is going to be pissed he killed it” , I was like wtf his deer? Well needless to say he flew off the handle about it and need less to say my dad and me said F... off and never came back. Sucks the fact we had considered these folks friends for a long time . I guess that’s a case of guest “ ruining clubs” but I would much rather have my good buddy than a deer or a bunch of grown ass men acting like school age cheer leaders in high school getting upset cause their boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend and got her pregnant.