Originally Posted by jsj127
CPVC shouldn’t be in the slab. It gets brittle over time.

The hole is so you can hook the drain to the trap. It looks big until you start to hook it up. Do not fill it in. If concerned about critters, spray some bug spray in the hole before you close up the wall.

The water came out the cold pipe because it fed backward through your water heater. The cold line being uncapped there gave the air a place to go. That’s the only connection where cold and hot mix. Cold goes into water heater, hot comes out.

That makes sense. I went ahead and put it all back together and now the hot water works normally. It mush have been some calcium or something clogged somewhere. I guess I will know if it happens again. Thanks for your help!

Last edited by BrotherTurtle; 10/01/20 07:23 PM.