Originally Posted by AU338MAG
Originally Posted by Davyalabama
I'll be watching a bit. I'll work at the club early, by 6:00, I will be through. 6:00 I will have them on the radio, while doing some other things. I may watch a little of it when the new kid, Bryce Young, gets into the game. Maybe he will get to do a few things besides hand off. Maybe even Paul Tyson will get a chance to sling a few. I don't disagree with you all that are adamant about not watching, I don't agree with the politicising Saban and the rest of the team has done, especially when it comes to agreeing with a terrorist organization.

I believe our fight is with those that are trying to tear the country down, more than a group of kids. We have billionaires trying to overthrow our country by paying people to riot and destroy our cities. We have socialists that are trying to turn our country into another Venezuela and allow Mother Russia to finally defeat us. We have a religion that is fundamentally against all other religions and will only allow one set of people to exist. This religion is even against some of its own people and would rather have them annihilated too. (Shia and Sunni).

Listening to Alabama football or basketball is fun to me, although I still wish we had some better announcers. I miss Forney, Layton and Duncan, those were my favorites.

Those "kids" on the sports teams are supporters of the "kids" rioting in the streets.

They are not kids any more when they're 20 years old. It's ridiculous to bury your head in the sand and think these are just naive youngsters who don't know any better. Treat em like adults and let them know that we will NOT support them and their insurrectionous attitude.

Hope he's not one of those that will watch college, but not the NFL lol

Do not regret growing older, it's a privilege denied to many!