Originally Posted by cartervj
Originally Posted by TickaTicka
Eat plants and animals.

Nothing out of a sack or a box.

No bread, no potatoes, try no fruit fot a while.

Snacks- tree nuts, sardines, tuna.

Don't forget to eat lots of fat. Low carb dieting will make you hungry unless you are eating fat. Don't be scared of animal fat, or fat from any nut. Avoided expelled and processed oils.

Be happy you have a doctor who has some understanding of nutritional impact on your health.

When you throw in heart issues you have to be careful with fats

I had it explained to me be a cardiologist that sugars scratch blood vessels and allows for fats to accumulate there.

It's cholesterol that accumulates to help strengthen that artery. You do not get excess cholesterol from fat rich foods however. Cholesterol can't be absorbed through foods. Our bodies produce it based on our need,lifestyle and diet,but it's more of a reaction produced because of our bad diet though,than an ingredient to be avoided in a bad diet.

Last edited by R_H_Clark; 09/25/20 08:01 AM.