Larry, you are so racist. It was NOT a riot. It was a "mostly peaceful" protest and he was not a thug. He was just someone that had been systematically oppressed for his entire life by an unfair economy where only whites and asians are allowed to have jobs, make money and succeed, and also that sytematically unfair justice system that wrongfully targets people that commit crimes. You really do need to get WOKE and get with the program. You are the problem, not the protestors that are shooting people, looting, and burning buildings and businesses. They are just getting what they are owed in the way of reparations for their systematic oppression.....and all those businesses aren't really losing anything, they've got insurance to pay for the losses. loco

Everything happening in the US is straight out of the rules for radicals playbook and the models that the US has used all over the world for the past 50 yrs to internally topel governments that we want removed. I'd hoped it would not ever come down to this on US soil but I'm afraid that it's about time for the police, homeland and other authorities to start using real bullets instead of bean bags, tear gas, and flashbangs. Finance and organize the riots, loot and burn, get your forehead dotted with lead poisoning. Authorties need to start the purge with all the whites and other groups that are organizing, funding, and instigating this junk. This crap has gone on far too long and has got to end. Because it has been allowed to fester and grow for so long now without repurcussions, I just dont see it happening in any way, short of it being put down swiftly, harshly and with overwhelming, excessive brute force.