Originally Posted by wew3006
Originally Posted by doekiller
If I was an officer and someone was shooting at me, I would of course shoot back. I don’t fault the officers for shooting back. I fault them for all executing a no knock warrant in the middle of the night for a man who didn’t live at the address and was in fact already in their jail. That is where the failure is in this event. But, nothing makes it her fault she was killed and she was the only truly innocent person involved.

I agree.
So; what , if anything, should the officer(s) who shot her be charged with?

I don’t know what the charges should be but IMO at the very minimum: warrants should be served by uniformed police not plainclothes undercover AND the second that door is breeched (IF it’s a no knock warrant like this one - which are unconstitutional as phuqqq but different discussion), they should announce that they are law enforcement. If those 2 things were done I don’t know if we’d even be having this discussion.

Last edited by BCLC; 09/22/20 06:33 PM.

We’re not dead. We just smell that way. Dayum. - AC870

Yessir! I’m always gonna shoot what makes me happy and I want everyone else to do the same! If you shoot one be proud of it and don’t worry what anyone else thinks. - SJ22