Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher
Originally Posted by Piedmonster
Spent the weekend at bear camp with some biologists that actually get dirty in the field. General consensus is that politicians are making the decisions based on how they feel... not based on science.

There is a whole lot about modern society that is sad, but the way that politics has been injected into science is one of the saddest. I am all for science, but now I don't know whether I can trust the scientists. Turkey research is just a relatively unimportant example of this; I don't know if I can trust any scientific study on any subject because politics is now involved in everything.

I would say I have heard less and less of the "lets see where the science leads us" talk lately and much more of the activist approach of "lets quantify how bad X policy is" or "show how global warming is screwing this up" kind of talk. It was always there in the background but now it seems more like a badge of honor (maybe virtue signalling)