Originally Posted by FreeStateHunter
All this bickering is dumb as shucks. For what these places charge you can go buy a decent grinder. shucks y’all sound like my sisters kids. Just figure it out or shut up. Damn bunch of drama queens can sho nuff kick a horse to death around here.

Complaining about something without offering a solution to is just whining! For what it costs to process just one good buck deer you can own your own motor, grinder and cuber. The catch is not everybody has a place to skin their deer nor wants too...Nor did everybody here...not pointing fingers...has had someone show them how to cut up and process a deer. I did...I have a place skin and butcher so i cut up and process my own....grinder, cuber, the works.
If a processor quits because they don't want to write a number down on your check in sheet that YOU must provide they are being very shortsighted or just looking for a reason to quit the biz.