Originally Posted by mike35549
Originally Posted by Out back
Originally Posted by TravisBatey
What is the new regulation causing issues for processors?

The incompetent cocksuckers at DCNR pushing a new rule which require the processor to verify your game check confirmation.
It's clearly an unfunded state mandate. I can't blame the processors for rejecting the bullschit rule.

Does it actually say the processor must verify your number, or they just have to record it. If it is record it all they have to do is make a spot on the paper you already fill out for you to write it down. Would be a huge difference.

I agree if it's just that the deer has to have a number with it than it's not really a big deal. Last time I went to reeds you had to fill out paperwork anyway, and like it or not it is the law to game check it. I do my own now so I dont really care. If they have to make sure the number is valid then that is an actual burden put on them that shouldn't be. When i hire Mexicans I have to have a SS card and ID. I know they aren't legit but it isn't my place to check it out. That is the leo's job