After reading through this I think the answer is pretty clear. The described decline in turkey numbers has less to do with hunting and more to do with environmental and biologic impacts. Policy makers can change the limit to 3 birds and cut off hunting at noon but it won't have major impacts on the population. We know that and they probably do as well. But, blame it on the 1%ers (5 bird killers) or those that hunt in the evening and you've got yourself a winning political strategy.

BTW, I really like the 1pm end of the season in Missouri but not for anything to do with the hunting. It allows me to have more fun. Afternoons are spent fishing, frying, grilling, and sometimes being lazy. Sitting on the porch saying, "I'd go kill that gobbler hammering over there, but I probably couldn't get it done by 1 so yeah I'll have a beer" has turned in to an annual happening. I do think it is a silly rule and would never support any other states following it, but I'm kind of glad Missouri has it.