I’m certainly not trymg to say that this my way or the right way or wrong way…….it certainly isn’t how I’d pick who to take into fox hol with me….When the word goes out a couple weeks into the SHTF that 257 was killed by quote unquote “friendly fire”……Don’t blame it on the snagle toothed hillbilly he’d been cracking toothpaste jokes on all week when he tried to tell him that the guy that’s been in the corner for the last 2 days whispering to his gun ain’t “just the quiet type”…….

Sigh…..I guess it makes sense checking someone's resolve.......All you men get you two infant twins and hole up in a house taking care of them alone and let me know how that makes you "feel"....I'm good... grin

Throw it………..throw it…….

Last edited by CNC; 09/05/20 04:10 PM.

We dont rent pigs