Originally Posted by RCHRR
The original lines on old bait casting reels were real thick braided lines that were multicolored. At least that’s what I saw on some of my grandads old reals in the seventies and at the time those reals were probably 30 yrs old.

Yeah, I started out baitcaster fishing with the old braided lines. Let me tell you, there was nothing good about them. By the time my father allowed me to use this reel, he had already bought one of the early Abu 5000 models, and one of the great things about it was that you could use mono in it. After I got to where I could fish decently well with this old Plueger, he gave me his first 5000 and bought himself a new one. He saw no reason to have 2 reels; you just change the bait if you wanna fish with something different. I can remember us setting off on a fishing trip 100 miles away with no other reels than the 2 5000s.

Thanks for the ideas on the line. The fluorocarbon I have on now is a Berkeley line; it actually works pretty well on it, but just needs to be a larger diameter.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.