FC GRHRCH sire bred to a bitch out of a FC AFC x FC breeding due in September. $1200–repeat that’s been really good. I’d venture to guess whatever your breeder has isint bred this well

Originally Posted by ozarktroutbum
My lab recently died and I was looking around at some breeders and litters available. She was almost 10 years old; I got her from a breeder north of Birmingham in March of 2011. I tracked down the breeder and told them what was going on and that I might be interested in a puppy some where down the road. I had to rethink it after they told me each puppy is $1400. That might be a lot for some folks and others might think that’s not all that outrageous. I spent $800 for her and I would gladly spend that much again and a little more but I was surprised at how much of an increase it was. Kudos to them for being able to swing those prices but not sure Im good with nearly a 50% increase as a returning customer. I ran in ton someone the other day that had a golden doodle they spent $4k on.