Originally Posted by JUGHEAD
Originally Posted by ALFisher
I'm not in the government. Never have been. Someone will have to explain to me how science is liberalism/brainwashed horsechit and then come up with a better way to manage our wildlife. last time we just left people to their own devices with no rules, we overhunted deer and turkeys and ducks till they weren't worth hunting anymore. I don't want to go back to those days.
If you don’t have scientific knowledge enough to understand how statistically-valid sample sizes, as utilized in the hunter surveys the state successfully used for decades, and then subsequently advocate for requiring 100% reporting of harvest data via this current gestapo game-check government waste of unnecessary dollars bullchit, then you need to just shut up. Because you sound like a good-idea fairy, decisions based on feelings instead of facts, bleeding-heart liberal idiot. It aint required to determine accurate harvest estimations and corresponding trends accordingly. Period.

It never ceases to amaze me how few grasp this. What’s more, I’m pretty sure that Chuckie and company still have to sample to correct for noncompliance bias. Either that or they pull it out their rear when estimating reporting compliance rates.